In Resortes HITECH the security of our employees and infrastructure is the most important.
Resortes Hitech feels a responsibility not only with their customers, suppliers and employees, but also with the community where it belongs. Here we present our Social Plan:
Monthly we support with cash to the following social institutions:
Monthly we support with cash to the following social institutions:
- Comedor infantil Rayito de la Luz Feliz, A.C.
- Fundación Alimentando Familias, A.C.
- El Comedor para Niños Felices, A.C.
- Asilo Ayuda a un Anciano.
- Caritas de Monterrey.
- Amanec (Asociación que apoya Niños con Cáncer).
- Ciudad de los Niños.
- Teletón.
- Donación de colchas a “Que Monterrey No Tenga Frio”.
In Resortes Hitech, we also care about the environment, that´s the reason why we have the initiative Green Hitech, our contribution to the planet, with the following actions:
Re-collection of batteries, carton, PET, plastic, electronics, etc.
For the 2018 have 100% of solar energy in the offices.
Re-collection of batteries, carton, PET, plastic, electronics, etc.
For the 2018 have 100% of solar energy in the offices.