+52 (81) 8333-1138

Security, Social Responsibility and Environment

In RESORTES HITECH we are concern about the Security of our employees, our Social Responsibility with the community and the Environment.

In Resortes HITECH the security of our employees and infrastructure is the most important.

Resortes Hitech feels a responsibility not only with their customers, suppliers and employees, but also with the community where it belongs. Here we present our Social Plan:

Monthly we support with cash to the following social institutions:
  1. Comedor infantil Rayito de la Luz Feliz, A.C.
  2. Fundación Alimentando Familias, A.C.
  3. El Comedor para Niños Felices, A.C.
  4. Asilo Ayuda a un Anciano.
Bi monthly, we support:
  1. Caritas de Monterrey.
  2. Amanec (Asociación que apoya Niños con Cáncer).
Every 4 months:
  1. Ciudad de los Niños.
Annually we contribute to:
  1. Teletón.
  2. Donación de colchas a “Que Monterrey No Tenga Frio”.
In Resortes Hitech, we also care about the environment, that´s the reason why we have the initiative Green Hitech, our contribution to the planet, with the following actions:

Re-collection of batteries, carton, PET, plastic, electronics, etc.

For the 2018 have 100% of solar energy in the offices.